Are you a property owner in Highlands? We need you! 413 of you, to be exact. As part of the greater Neighbourhood Renewal plan (Highlands is on the docket for improvements in 2019), we have the option to add value and aesthetics to our quaint little corner of the city.
Our mission: get property owners to submit 413 responses by Nov 20, 2018. At least 207 of those need to vote “yes”. Don’t let the new sidewalks get all the glory!
Don’t have a clue what this is about? Read the Highlands EOI Information Sheet first.
Can we vote on the colour/warmth of the light? Or the lumens?
Nope. While we have given the City our feedback on the blue/white LED light, we don’t get a say. Sorry Highlanders, we are stuck with the bulbs we are given. This is a city-wide policy. Check out the Edmonton Journal story on this policy.
Decorative streetlights don’t give off enough light- I want lights that actually light the street!
You’re in luck! We didn’t choose the “lamp” style (that lights upwards). The style we chose lights the street in the same manner (arm, downward lamp) as the current lights, but is also nicer to look at. And allows for a “blade” (fancy name for the historic street signs).
What happened to the choice that look like lamps? Like this?
We looked into it, we really did. We appreciated the reasons for wanting this lamp-post style: they’re a nod to our historic past, easily the most picturesque option and make everything seem more pedestrian-friendly. But through our research and the City’s quoting process we discovered that what we wanted to achieve wasn’t going to happen for a reasonable price. To get adequate light onto the streets the lamps would either need to be taller (and our gorgeous tree canopies would be in the way and block the lamp-tops) or we’d need more of them on the street… which is a cost we absolutely could not ask residents to bear. The cost with the taller version was substantially more than the heritage arm choice we’re proposing (about 8 times).
Aren’t decorative streetlights more maintenance work and not as sturdy? Why would I pay more for something that isn’t going to last?
We understand that the lights are the same at their core, and our choice has an extra layer (a sheath, if you will) to add the decorative aspect. Same lifespan, same maintenance.
I like the idea of the heritage sign blades but I don’t want to pay more in taxes… is this an option?
Nope. The sign blades come as part of the decorative streetlight package. If the vote fails, our replacement streetlights will be the same as we have now (ugly), and same with the street signs.
But aren’t the sign blades additional money?
They are absolutely included in the quote… if we vote yes.

Can I see this streetlight installed elsewhere in the city? The pictures aren’t very good…
Take a drive on over to Westmount, North Glenora, Woodcroft or Dovercourt who also chose to upgrade their neighbourhoods with the heritage arm streetlight.
Uh-oh… I didn’t receive my letter in the mail (or I lost it)- what can I do?
Read the letter. Download the form, print it, sign it and get it back to the City through one of the following ways:
- Scan and email to: [email protected]
- Mail to: Attention: Expression of Interest, City of Edmonton, 8th Floor, Century Place, 9803-102A Avenue, T5J 3A3
- Drop off at Mandolin Books & Coffee Company (6419-112 Avenue)
Should I vote yes to the decorative streetlight option?
YES! (Please!)
Do you have other questions? Reach out on social media, attend a board meeting or send an email to [email protected]
Further reading: