
Want to volunteer for your community but don’t know where to start? Fill out our volunteer form and a league representative will be in touch to give you more information.


The Highlands Community League operates without the purpose of gain for its members and any profits or other accretions to the Society shall only be used in promoting its objectives. No part of the income, profits or accretions of the Society is payable to or otherwise available for the personal benefit of any proprietor, affiliate or member of the Society.

The Community League strives to:

  • Promote the interests of the City of Edmonton as a whole and in particular the interests of the Community served by the Society and the interests of its residents.
  • Provide for the recreation of the members and to promote and afford opportunity for friendly and social interactions.
  • Act with a charitable presence to support the Community and undertake charitable initiatives and supporting charities outside of the League.
  • Promote programs, exercises and events for members of the community.
  • Encourage and promote sport activities for the children and youth of the community.
  • Demonstrate a non-political and non-partisan bias.
  • Provide and maintain all necessary buildings for the use by the community.
  • Borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in such manner for the purpose of supporting the Society objectives.


Highlands Community League Bylaws: HCL Approved Bylaws – June 2017

Monthly Board Meetings

2nd Tuesday of Every Month, 7 pm.
Highlands Community Hall
6112-113 Avenue
All Highlands Community League members are welcome to attend and listen to the discussion. Want to speak (or just attend)? Register here >>

Meetings do not typically take place in July and December.

We are always looking for people interested in getting involved in the league. Learn more about Board Roles.


Archived minutes are available for public viewing. To view these documents, please email [email protected]

Contact Lists


President – Micki Baydack
Vice President – vacant
Secretary – Jess Kunicki
Treasurer – Ryan Beissel


Facilities – Nathanael Sapara
Casino/Volunteer – Connie Yuen
Membership – Allan Macdairmid
Civic Affairs – Keith Martinot
Sports (Soccer) – Kyla Fisher
Social/Events – Tricia Sullivan
Communications – Ryan O’Connor
Rentals – Dianne Clarke

Directors at large – Audrey Hayward, Marilyn Wood, Tessa Stamp

Committee, etc.

Pub Night – Social & Events
Rink – Robert/Graeme (Facilities)
Hall Renewal – Marilyn/Audrey

Elected Officials

Councillor – Ashley Salvador
MLA – Janis Irwin
MP – Blake Desjarlais


Connected Highlands – Carmen Lawrence
Neighbourhood Resource Coordinator (NRC) – (City of Edmonton) – Stacey Leach
Past President – Caitlin Beaton


The Highlands Community League is looking for enthusiastic general volunteers to help with an event, join a committee or join the board. If you would like to become more involved, come to a monthly board meeting or send an email to [email protected] For committees, please contact the director via email (see above)

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